Our training is targeted to give you the skills you need for the change you want to make

“This was an incredibly rich training and I can't believe how much ground you covered in 2 half days.”

Jane Howard

World Food Programme


We offer training across our range of services, whether you’re looking for a broad advocacy overview; focused training on a specific skill like lobbying, media, or campaigning; or a bespoke strategy development workshop. We take the time to understand where you’re at and to deliver what you need. We’ve delivered training for great organisations like the Elton John AIDS Foundation and World Food Programme.

100% of our training attendees who responded have said they would recommend Future Advocacy training to a colleague.


  • Designing Advocacy Strategies
  • Lobbying
  • Media
  • Social Media
  • Messaging development and framing
  • Monitoring, evaluation and learning
  • Mobilising and organising
  • Election scenario mapping