
Accelerating Advocacy Programme

The programme is a 9 month blended online-offline training to accelerate Wateraid’s advocacy efforts across 16 countries in Asia and Africa. It focuses on practical application, with built-in role-playing and keynote speakers from around the world.

Participants take charge of their own development by creating their Personal Advocacy Plan. We are also fostering peer support through Action Learning Sets. These are small, structured groups of participants who meet regularly to support each other’s learning and to help each other overcome challenges in their advocacy.  

Future Advocacy is supporting the team by sharing bespoke learning resources including Minimasterclasses, and reading, watching and listening recommendations. We are also providing 1 to 1 mentoring sessions to participants. 

The training has been a great success, with very engaged participants sharing their advocacy experiences from across the world. One Wateraid manager said Everyone thought the programme was useful and inspiring. The content is really engaging and needed at a global level. Expert facilitators.”